Integrating an External Activity

When a user begins an activity session they hit the /activity_sessions/classroom_units/:classroom_unit_id/activities/:activity_id (#activity_session_from_classroom_unit_and_activity) route. This either finds an existing started activity session, which is the case when a user is resuming an activity, or creates a new record in the database, when a user has either never started or already completed an activity. The user is then redirected to the /activity_sessions/:activity_session_id/play route.

The ActivitySessionsController#play function redirects the user to the activity page by building a URL from the activity model function module_url which calls module_url_helper. The module_url_helper function looks to the ActivityClassification model to fetch the module_url value so that it can build a URL for the user. The built URL has the structure :ActivityClassification.module_url?uid=:Activity.uid&student=:ActivitySession.uid for example:

  • :ActivityClassification.module_url evaluates to
  • uid=:Activity.uid evaluates to uid=1234
  • student=:ActivitySession.uid evaluates to student=abcd

Assuming the records in the database are:

ActivityClassification: id: 1, module_url: ""

Activity: id: 1, activity_classification_id: 1, uid: '1234'

ActivitySession: id: 1, activity_id: 1, uid: 'abcd'

Activities belong to ActivityClassifications through activity_classification_id field on their model.

The page the the user is redirected to must be able to interpret the url by parsing the query parameters to load the appropriate lesson from the uid value, and save to the appropriate activity session via PUT request to /api/v1/activity_sessions/:student when the activity is complete by using the student value from the parameters.

If the student value is not present, an anonymous session can be create by making a POST request to /api/v1/activity_sessions/.

What do the /api/v1/activity_sessions/ routes expect?

The activity session PUT and POST routes expect JSON in the following form.

  state: 'finished',
  activity_uid: :activitySessionUID,
  concept_results: :ArrayOfConceptResults,
  percentage: :FloatingPointValueBetween0-1,


  • state: 'finished' update the activity to the completed state.
  • activity_uid is the uid value from the query parameters
  • concept_results is an array of objects representing concept measurement from the activity. This will be given in more detail later.
  • percentage takes a floating point value between 0 and 1, representing the students percentage score.


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    No results matching ""