Teacher Fixes

Teacher fixes are located at https://quill.org/teacher_fix.

These pages are designed to fix issues that are frequently reported on Intercom for which no fix is currently available for the users to implement themselves.

Unarchive Units

Use when a teacher has purposefully or accidentally deleted an activity pack and wants it back.

All archived units are selected by default. Unarchiving a unit will also unarchive all of that unit's classroom units and activity sessions.

If the input field for a unit name is outlined in red, that means that it shares a name with one of that teacher's visible units. If you are going to unarchive this unit, make sure you change the name. Appending a number to the unit's name is a good way to handle this.

Restore Classroom Units

Use this when a teacher has archived and then unarchived a classroom and wants their data back.

This method will unarchive all of the classroom units and associated activity sessions for a given classroom, as well as any units (activity packs) that are associated with these classroom units in the event that they have been hidden.

Restore Unit Activities

Use this when a teacher has deleted an activity and wants their data back.

This method will unarchive all of the unit activities associated with any of that teacher's visible units.

Restore Activity Sessions

Use as a first line of defense when teachers complain about missing activity sessions, frequently seen with the diagnostic.

This method will unarchive all of the activity sessions for a given unit that may have been accidentally unassigned. The student ids from the unarchived activity sessions are pushed back into the classroom unit's assigned_student_ids array if they are absent.

Merge Student Accounts

This method will not work unless both students are in the same classroom, and the second student only belongs to this classroom. If you need help with a different case, ask a dev.

Also please note that this method will transfer all of the second student's activities to the first student's account. It will not, however, delete the second student's account or remove it from the classroom.

Merge Teacher Accounts

This method will transfer all of the first teacher's classrooms and created units to the second teacher.

Please note that it will not delete the first teacher's account, nor impact the second teacher's premium status or other account information.

Move Student from One Class to Another

This method will transfer a student and their data from the class identified by class code 1 to the class identified by class code 2.

Please note that if the classes have different teachers, all of the student's activities in the second classroom will belong to a new unit that is separate from anything that teacher may have assigned to the rest of the class.

Unsync User with Google Classroom

This method will sever an account's connection with Google Classroom, allowing them to log in normally.

The new email field is optional, and can be left blank if the user does not wish to change their email.

Merge Two Schools

This allows you to transfer all of the teachers in one school over to a second school.

This is useful for when teachers signed in with Clever and caused a new school to be created that is a duplicate of a school we already have in the database.

Merge Two Classrooms

This allows you to transfer all of the students and activities in one classroom to a second classroom.

If a student has completed the same activity in different classrooms, the highest score will be saved.

Delete Last Activity Session

This allows you to delete the last activity session a student has completed for a given activity.

This is to be used when a staff member has completed an activity on behalf of the student - we need to get rid of that data as it does not reflect the student's own work.

Please make sure this student has only been assigned this activity once (so not in multiple classes, or multiple activity packs) or this method could delete the wrong activity session.

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