CMS Schools Dashboard

The school search is located at

You can find schools that match a variety of criteria and then see a high-level overview of those schools.


  • The search query works with 'AND' logic. That means that if you search for 'School Name' and 'School City', you will only see schools that match BOTH the name and city.

Tips & Tricks

  • You can select multiple premium statuses (or deselect them) by holding the CMD button on your computer while clicking.
  • To see a list of teachers and admins in a school, or to edit its information, click the 'Edit' button on the rightmost column of the search results.

Single School Dashboard

You can navigate to a single school dashboard by clicking the 'Edit' link in the rightmost column of the school search.

From this dashboard, you can see a high-level overview of a school's info, teachers, admins, and subscription.

Teacher List

The dashboard will show you a list of all teachers associated with the school, as well as meta information like their number of classes, students, and student activities completed. You can also see their subscription level and links to add/remove them as an admin or log into their account.

Note that an individual teacher's subscription type might be different from the whole school's subscription type if that teacher had a better subscription at the time of the school upgrade.

School Subscription

You can view the school's premium subscription and expiration date from the subscription section.

You can also click the 'Edit Subscription' button to visit the edit school subscription page, where you can edit the school subscription.

School Info

The school info section provides information about the school.

You can click the edit button to edit this information.

Please be careful when editing this information:

  • State is just initials (e.g. NY).
  • Private schools don't have a district.
  • Charter schools should have the charter network name as district.
  • Before adding a district, search for other schools in the same district so you can copy and paste the exact district name in the database.
  • Free and Reduced Price lunch is just a number (e.g. 75 — not 75%).

All Admins

This section allows you to see all of the admins currently associated with a school. From here, you can opt to remove any existing admin.

You can also click the button to add a new admin by their email address, but please ensure that the email address belongs to an already existing Quill account.

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    No results matching ""