
This is a comprehensive list of every email we programmatically send to users.

Welcome Email

The welcome email is sent when a teacher creates a Quill account.

It includes a brief description of Quill as well as links to various activities.

Password Reset Email

The password reset email is sent when a user with an email address requests a password reset.

It contains a link to reset the user's password.

Account Created Email

The account created email is sent when a school admin creates a teacher's account.

It contains their temporary login information and information about who created their account.

Join School Email

The join school email is sent when a school admin lists a teacher as belonging to their school when the teacher does not have that school listed on their account.

It includes a link that will join the user's account to that school when clicked, assuming the user is signed in.

Lesson Plan Email

The lesson plan email is sent when a teacher assigns any unit that contains one or more lesson emails.

It includes links to lesson plans for each of the lessons in the unit, as well as the tutorial and the My Lessons page.

Premium Missing School Email

The premium missing school email is sent when a teacher buys school premium for a school that either does not exist in the database or that their account is not linked to.

This email is sent to [email protected].

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