Classroom Activity Endpoints


GET /api/v1/classroom_activities/:id/student_names

Returns a hash of the names of students that have activity sessions for the classroom activity, with their activity session uids as keys.


GET /api/v1/classroom_activities/:id/teacher_and_classroom_name

Returns a hash with the following format, referring to the classroom of the classroom activity: {teacher: #{classroom owner name}, classroom: #{classroom name}}


PUT /api/v1/classroom_activities/:id/finish_lesson

Expects data in the following format:

  follow_up: Boolean(whether or not there is a follow up lesson),
  concept_results: Array({
      concept_uid: String,
      question_type: String,
      metadata: {
        correct: Integer,
        directions: String,
        prompt: String|HTML,
        answer: String,
        attemptNumber: Integer,
        questionNumber: Integer
      activity_session_uid: String,
      ?edition_id: String

This method calls several others, which:

  • Mark all activity sessions complete
  • Updates the classroom activity to have locked: true, pinned: false, and completed: true
  • Saves the concept results passed in the json object to the appropriate activity sessions
  • Deletes activity sessions with no saved concept results
  • Creates a 'Complete Customized Lesson' Milestone if the classroom activity had an edition id and the user does not have one already
  • Assigns the follow up activity if the value is true

It returns a hash with the following format: {follow_up_url: #{follow up activity URL or the profile url}


PUT /api/v1/classroom_activities/:id/unpin_and_lock_activity

This method updates the classroom activity from the params to have pinned: false and locked: true.

It returns the new value of the classroom activity's pinned attribute.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""