Making a Node Module

In order to share code between different parts of Quill, we are pulling parts of the code into node modules which can be imported into different repositories as necessary.

Setting up your node module

  1. Create a fork of (fork goes here)
  2. Go to the settings page of the new repo and rename your fork to whatever you're calling your new node module.
  3. Scroll down to the 'Danger Zone' and transfer ownership of the repository to empirical-org.
  4. Once the repository is owned by empirical-org, git clone it locally.
  5. Run npm init and answer all the questions.
  6. Run npm install
  7. Write the files you need for your node module and test them in the src and test directories respectively.
  8. Import all of the functions you want to export from your node module into one file (probably main.ts), and then export them from there as well.
  9. List this file as the entrypoint for your app in the webpack.config.js file.


    module.exports = {
     entry: './src/main.ts',
  10. Update your README to reflect any changes between the config for your module and the forked module. Make sure to remove the module-specific notes from the forked module, and instead add a section for each of your exported functions that explains how to use them.

  11. Run npm i rollup rollup-plugin-typescript uglify-js -D
  12. Run npm run build:rollup

Updating the version

We keep track of versions using SemVer, which you can learn about at Every time a change gets committed to master, you should update your version using npm version [<newversion> | major | minor | patch]. Use major for a breaking page, minor for a backwards-compatible feature, and patch for a backwards-compatible bug fix.

Publishing your node module

To publish your node module, run npm publish from the console. Make sure you install the latest version for each of the Quill repositories where the module is being used, and update the package.json accordingly.

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